Moving to Ghana


After seeking the Lord's direction and the counsel of trusted friends and leaders, we have made the decision to move to Accra, Ghana.   Accra has an international airport and reliable internet service.  We will be moving to Ghana in September where Steve will assume the role of Regional Director for SIM West Africa.  Mikki's role with Christian schools in Africa will also require travel and electronic communication and makes Accra a very good home base for both of us. Accra is a modern city with a population of 2.27 million.  This will be a change from where we have been living in Niger for the last 26 years.


Where are they now?

An update on the Schmidt kids

Schmidt Kids

We are empty-nesters. Here is an update on Julie, Andrew and Brian:


Julie is serving as a mission teacher in Tanzania with SIM on loan to AIM. For more information on Julie's future ministry, see link below:

Julie Schmidt, on mission to Tanzania


Andrew has graduated from the University of Nebraska with a degree in computer engineering. He has accepted a position in Minneapolis with 3M. He is living just across the border in Wisconsin.


Brian is finishing his studies at Calvary University in Kansas City, Missouri. Brian is studying youth ministries and plans to serve as a youth pastor.


Stray thoughts...


A Servant as Leader

We often talk about leaders "serving" in a role. It is possible to be a leader and show none of the characteristics of a servant as portrayed in the Bible. It is fascinating to see organizational research starting to catch on to what the Bible has been teaching for centuries. Click below to see what three top organizational leadership experts say about a servant who is leading.

What is a Servant Leader?


Sun Dogs in Saskatchewan!


January 2014: While visiting Saskatchewan, we got a chance to witness winter sun dogs. Something we never see in Niger!

(click to view an enlarged photo)

For information on how to pray, give or go, consult one of these links:


Below are some articles that we have found helpful in understanding the task of taking the gospel global:



Making Disciples Where Christ is Least Known

The Mission of SIM Clarified

The purpose for which SIM exists can be summarized in these seven words, "Making disciples where Christ is least known. We draw our inspiration for Paul's declaration in Romans 15:20, "It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known...". In all we do, we strive to bring people into contact with the good news of hope and redemption in Jesus Christ. At the heart of who we are as an organization, we believe that the gospel changes everything!



Why Muslims Follow Jesus


This article appeared in my directors link in August 2008


Other Director's Link Articles



Often people ask Steve what books he is reading. Here are some of the books he has read recently and some of his all-time favorites. Steve's Books...


Pages from the Journal
It was 1992. Mikki and I had been married less than two years. We left the US and landed in Niger. Like most new missionaries, we were trying to make sense of this new life in a strange land. We launched into the throes of learning Tamajaq. We were trying to figure out the rules of African relationships. Mission accommodations seemed to need endless maintenance. There were days when we wondered what we were thinking and were asking, "How did we end up here?" Journey with me as I take you back to those early days.

Excerpts from Steve's Journal: 1992...